Top five ways to ease your re-entry and fuel your new normal

Is it too soon to talk reset? Do you feel like a bear coming out of hibernation? Are you torn between being impatient to put pandemic living behind you and wondering where you’re going to find the energy to re-engage? As the world begins to re-open, it may be tough to get excited about jumping…

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Too overwhelmed for self care? Make it easier with these two skills.

If you ask, most leaders know what they need to do to improve their well-being. They’ll tell you they need more sleep or to reduce their stress or eat healthier or get more exercise. But many struggle to do those things consistently. In this fourth article in my series on The Leadership Long Game, I…

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Mental Habits of Long Game Leaders

“The quality of your mind determines the quality of your life.” Author, neuroscientist, meditation teacher Sam Harris. If we’ve learned one thing through this last year, it is that leadership and life require what sports psychologists call, a strong mental game. But what does that mean, really? Is it something you are born with or…

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First Aid for the Leadership Long Game: Seven small changes that can make a big difference

Last week, I received a link from a client to a Globe and Mail article entitled Working from home is causing breakdowns. It echoed a conversation we had just had about a general sense of creeping malaise he had been experiencing. As I read it, I thought, “This is how a lot of people are feeling…

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How to build your Leadership Long Game

As I write this, most of the world has entered a second and more ferocious wave of COVID-19. What makes wave two even more challenging is that at the very moment we are all weary and discouraged after long months of social restrictions, school disruptions and isolation, we are being called to brace for more.…

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Five things this pandemic can teach us about how to inspire

Do you ever notice that light is most intense when it is streaming into a darkened room or shining in a night sky? In the same way, it is often easiest to spot inspiration in very dark times. COVID-19 is teaching us a lot about both the cracks in our institutions and systems, the darkest…

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Are You Ready for the New Normal

Are You Ready for the New Normal? What have you learned from this experience of a global pandemic so far? What has it revealed to you about what is and isn’t working in your life, your organization, and your community? What needs to change and what is the resulting new normal you want to see?…

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How Darkness Can Sometimes Light the Way

“The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It’s our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.”  Brene Brown. I have found these last few months profoundly disorienting and I know from talking to clients, colleagues and friends that I am not alone. COVID-19 has been shockingly revelatory. It…

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The Uncomfortable Truth about Transformation

This pandemic is challenging us on multiple fronts. It challenges our need to know what is happening and what is going to happen; it challenges our desire to be, and feel, in control; it challenges our sense of safety and security; and it challenges our confidence in what to do next. Most profoundly, it is challenging who we are, and who we see ourselves to be.

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What is Leadership Coaching?

Ignite Your Fire Inside with Leadership Coaching Athletes who want to unleash their potential know they need a coach. Leaders are no different. Imagine having someone in your corner who appreciates and understands you, knows what it takes to get results and is entirely committed to your success, on your terms. Someone with the skill…

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A simple but profound practice to ease the tough in transition.

Sometimes life brings you just what you need when you need it. At Fire Inside Leadership, these gifts sometimes come from what we learn as we support our clients to grow and develop their leadership. Recently, while working with a group of leaders inside a client organization, a number of the participants announced significant life…

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How Group Facilitation Can Help Your Organization Flourish

Conversations that Make a Difference with Facilitation Services from Fire Inside. Create sustainable change with conversations that matter and the conditions that make them possible. Whether you wish to engage your employees, your customers or a diverse group of stakeholders, Fire Inside will design and deliver an interactive, engaging and effective group process to meet…

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How to Shape a Positive, High-Performance Culture Through Leadership

Fuel Your Success with a High-Performance Culture Highly positive and productive cultures are like jet fuel for great performance. High performance cultures don’t happen by chance; they take intention, leadership and a commitment to developing the skills to sustain them. The first step is to understand the culture you have today at a level that…

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Grow as a Leader with Strategy & Change Leadership

Transform your organization with Fire Inside’s Strategy and Change Leadership services. Shared vision, clear strategy, inspiring leadership. Our strategy and change services are customized to meet your unique needs. You may be seeking wholesale transformation or simply incremental improvement. You may be at the beginning of a strategic planning process or deep into a major…

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What is Team Facilitation?

Get to the Heart of What Matters Most with Fire Inside’s Team Facilitation Services A skilled and attuned facilitator can save a team weeks, if not months, of non-productive effort by getting to the heart of the matter quickly and enabling the team to tap into its natural creative problem solving capability. We believe that…

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What is Fire Inside Team Coaching?

Fuel Outstanding Team Performance with Team Coaching from Fire Inside. Over the past decade, our unique approach to team development combined with team coaches skilled in working with complex team dynamics, has enabled our clients to create measurable gains in both productivity and engagement time and time again. Team coaching goes beyond traditional short-term approaches…

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How Our Team Leadership Services Can Set You Up For Success

Unlock your Team’s Potential with Fire Inside’s Team Leadership Services. Have you ever been part of a winning team? One that was both fun to be part of and delivered outstanding results over and over again? What if you could create that with any team? Here’s what we’ve learned from research in the field of…

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What the Leadership Circle Profile™ Is + How it Can Fuel Your Growth

Get to the heart of your potential fast and get on the path to greater impact and effectiveness by adding the Leadership Circle Profile™ to Fire Inside’s Leadership Coaching process. This innovative 360 leadership assessment will give you and your coach powerful insight into your leadership impact and the underlying drivers that create it. The…

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How Fire Inside’s Team Skill Building Can Help Strengthen Your Team

Re-energize Your Team with Fire Inside’s Skill Building Workshops With Fire Inside Team Skill Building, you’ll develop and reward your team with a powerful and engaging skill building workshop. We offer a series of 2-hour, half-day and full-day team leadership and skill building workshops to boost your team’s performance. These bite-sized learning experiences will build…

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